Friday, May 29, 2009

New Moon

So right up front, I am going to say it: I like the Twilight Series. Bash me all you want, call me crazy, I do. Given, the first movie was a little... well, not what I had in mind, but still enjoyable to watch. The second movie, New Moon, will be far better for many reasons. To name a few: Bigger budget, better makeup and hopefully better acting. I found on line pictures that are linked together to form sort of video-like footage of one of the most climatic scenes in the movie. If you don't want to have it spoiled for you, DON'T WATCH! But, if like me, you have read the book.... enjoy.


Pierce and Stacy said...

UH. I am such an impatient person. I want to see it pronto, NOW! Thanks for sharing. And I'm totally with you on Twilight. I can't help it. We WILL see it together when I get back. :)

Tanisha said...

i actually follow a twilight blog and have seen all these clips posted, but i can't bring myself to watch!!! i want somewhat of a surprise when i see it...i mean, obviously i know what's going to happen, but the new parts of the movie that they're making up...don't want to see them. thanks for the heads up though. i'll probably end up watching it before november anyway. you can only be patient for so long...