Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You know you're married when....

You stay up until 11 o'clock sitting next to each other in bed playing Fruit Ninja on your iphones.

(Seriously, this happened last night)

That's LOVE baby.


marisa said...

haha, so true. except in my case replace "fruit ninja" with "angry birds."

Andrew Hill said...

Very true... except we only have one smart phone. She plays Angry Birds. I read. It all works out:)

By the way, I met the guys who made Fruit Ninja through work. Very cool guys.

Megan said...

I knew there was a reason we were friends! Alan and I do things like that all the time... we're awesome! haha

Sarah and Wes said...

Haha! This post made me laugh so hard. We've so been there!

Asplund Family said...

I usually play by myself while my honey is sleeping!! Crazy obsession!!!