Friday, December 21, 2012

Ranting and Raving about Pants. It really is the end of the world.

I know I never blog, and I think I'm going to start being better about that. No promises though. :) After this, you may never want to read my blog again so it's a win-win.

I decided to write a little post about something that I saw online and I just needed to rant about it for a little bit. So here goes, you are welcome to agree or disagree.

A few weeks back I saw on Facebook this thing calling all Mormon women to wear pants to church. I thought that it was silly that this was an "event" and just ignored all of my friends "liking" this page or event. Then someone I know posted an article by the New York times about this "movement" of Mormon women.

The article said a few things that annoyed me, so here is a list of them and my PERSONAL point of view on them.

Quote from the Article:
"Though the Mormon Church has no official policy against women wearing pants to church, many say they feel peer pressure to wear a dress, particularly in the Western United States, organizers said."

My Opinion:
This is an honest question, "Who is pressuring you?" Is it other women? I certainly have never felt pressure from men to wear a dress. But I grew up in a family where I was told to wear my very best. As a child, I did not have dressy pants. So I wore a skirt. This "tradition" so to speak, continued on into my adulthood.

Quote from the Article: 
"Others said they could not participate because they were fearful of ridicule or reprimand."

My Opinion: 
A few things here. Yes, there are probably women who would judge you for wearing pants to church. My thought is, "Who cares?" If someone is going to judge you based on what you are wearing, let them. It's their problem. Also, if you are afraid of ridicule or reprimand from someone, educate yourself on the doctrine so if they say something to you, you can correct them. Hopefully you can do so in a kind, loving, manner. Maybe this would teach this person something about judging others. One could hope.

Quote from the Article: 
"Organizers hope the dialogue will now expand to include issues like the ordination of women, or women taking on more responsibilities at church events."

My Opinion:
This just bugs the crap out of me.  It's not going to happen. And honestly, I don't know why you would want it. It is a HUGE responsibility to have. I've got enough on my plate, what with being responsible for the care and well-being of raising my children in the Gospel. Plus, there must be balance in a marriage. God made man and woman equal yes, but not the same. Why do we get so caught up in thinking the word equal means exactly the same. That is not it. Eve was created as a partner for Adam. I find that the best thing about my marriage is that my failings are his strengths and vise-versea. How horrible would it be to have the same weaknesses? Men have the power and responsibility of bearing the Priesthood. Women have the power and responsibility of bearing children. This BALANCES the relationship. That's my thought anyway. And MORE responsibilities at church events. We plan, decorate, participate, and you want MORE? Three words: No Thank You.

Quote from the Article:
"Julie Tuovi Baker Hansen, a lawyer in Burbank, Calif., who participated while visiting a Salt Lake City suburb, said she was surprised to see a man raise his hand and say, “Women who want to wear pants, they just don’t know how to follow the Lord.”"

My Opinion:
 This man is an idiot. They are everywhere. Not just in the Mormon church.

Quote from the Article:
"They also cited the pronounced role of the Boy Scouts in the church — boys routinely become troop leaders in the organization, but girls have no similar outlet with the Girl Scouts"
My Opinion: 
My Mother is the Cub Master for the Boy Scouts, and most of the leaders in our Troop are Women in fact. I'm not sure why there isn't Girl Scouts. Personally, I didn't ever really care. I was involved with GS for about a year (I think). Wasn't for me. Glad the church wasn't involved because then my parents didn't make me go.   :)

Basically, the thing that irks me about this article is not the fact that women wore pants to church. I could really care less actually. I would prefer pants to some of the too short of skirts that I see walking around. But hey, there I am being judgmental.  What really ticks me off is that this article is being used as "proof" that Mormon men are sexist jerks and that Mormon women are submissive, feeble women, who have no control or say in anything. I just think, "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?" Have any of you met my mother? Or most of the Mormon Women I know? They are the most opinionated, strong, aggressive, powerful, wonderful, smart, educated, and forward thinking women I have ever met in my life. Also, their husbands tend to be some of the kindest,  supportive, respectful, loving, and just all-out freaking AMAZING men.

Now, do sexist people exist in the church? Do we all make judgements of people that are uncalled for and just plain stupid? Of course. We are everywhere. So please, if you want to wear pants to church, wear them. If you expect me to high-five you for doing so, sorry, not going to. Just like I won't high-five you for wearing a skirt. I honestly don't care what you wear. It's all about why. Why are you wearing a skirt/pants? Is it out of reverence and/or respect to the Savior or to try and push boundaries? Personally, I wear pants pretty much 24-6, and I enjoy the opportunity to dress up and wear a skirt. I like it. So I'm gonna keep doing it. Please don't think that I am anti-feminist because I don't want to wear pants to church. Or do. Again, I don't really care.

**Sorry if this offended anyone. It wasn't meant in anger or spite. Just a crazy person's opinion.**

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